Monday, December 14, 2009

A New Start

Posted by Pamela at 9:44 PM
I'd like to re-start this blog by talking a little about how it has evolved, how I have evolved, and where it's all going.
Before my gender transition, this blog focused mostly on fantasies, especially those fueled by images and photos. It was straight from the id.
During transition, I suddenly found myself being a lot more eloquent and focused on crafting the actual words of storytelling, rather than just sexually riffing on pictures. I believe that most likely, this was due to structural changes in my brain caused by the addition of estrogen and the subtraction of testosterone in large quantities. I was also inspired to start writing about real life experiences from my past, which I found to be emotionally raw and real and cathartic.
But at no time did I ever discuss what was going on in my current relationships in real life. I considered it an off-limits subject, and not the focus of this blog, which was all about my unexpressed internal fantasy world.
A lot of those fantasies focused on gender and gender transition. Now that I've got that out of the way, I realize there are whole other worlds in my life to explore in writing - some of it to do with the impact of my gender transition, but a lot of it unrelated. So now I'm coming out of the closet as "a happily married, openly polyamorous pansexual transgender woman", so I can write about those aspects. There's a lot of rich territory here. And I hope you'll enjoy exploring with me.

Next: Poly- Pan- What?? What Do All Those Words Mean??


Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm buckled up for "a bumpy night."

Anonymous said...

Married? How did your genderfucking impact on that?

Pamela on Tue Dec 15, 02:14:00 PM PST said...

All will be revealed in time.
The short answer is that I'm a newlywed.
single man ---> married woman

Anonymous said...

I look forward to what you will write.

Anonymous said...

Are you just teasing us, or is being a newlywed got you too busy?


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