I've thought about doing this kind of post for a long time but I wasn't sure how to approach it until now.
This entry is about all the subconscious stuff that swirls around the idea of finally crossing over and going to
work in a skirt and heels...
What will people think? Will they laugh me out the door? Point and scream 'pervert'? Look down on me? Sabotage? Cold shoulder? Will I be sexualized? Fetishized? Judged? Not taken seriously? Demoted to the bottom rung of the identity ladder? Accused of bringing masturbatory habits into the workplace? Banned from both restrooms?
I felt that before I let this out of my subconscious, I had to make sure I was able to articulate the strong difference between reality and fantasy.
Here's the disclaimer:
MOST transgender people get discriminated against in the workforce. In fact, this may be the number one reason that the number of full-time TSes and post-ops is so vanishingly small. Economic forces work strongly against it.

And I think one of the reasons for the discrimination is the aura of "pervert" that hangs around the cultural idea of transgenderism.
That's a reason I hesitated to do this topic until I could find the right way to explain it - I wouldn't want this blog to hurt 'the cause' in any way.
So this blog entry is not about what would really happen with a transsexual/crossdresser/transvestite in the workforce. Rather, it's about what people may worry would happen, in the dark recesses of the subconscious. It's about all those twisted cultural ideas & prejudices already floating around out there, that we pick up on and internalize.
Well, here they are, turned around and spit back out. Sorry if my commentary spoils the show.
Without further ado, on with the program:

Imagine yourself going to work for the first time in a
skirt and heels after years of presenting yourself as a man. Everybody wants to take a look. Would you be paralyzed with fear? Constantly adjusting your prissy uncomfortable outfit, and looking in the mirror in self-doubt?

Women's office attire is already fetishized by many men. Imagine what happens when you add a cross-gender element to it.

Is this what people imagine will happen if they let a 'tranny' into the office?
I bet some of you reading this dress up in sexy office outfits and do this in private. My theory is that you do it because the testosterone coursing through your veins causes you to fetishize your internalized repression.

Is this how they'll imagine your morning routine getting dressed...?

...And driving to work?

Would your mere presence cause the men in the office to visualize you 'blowing the boss', or a boyfriend, like they do the other women they work with? Can they handle thinking about you, a formerly male co-worker, in that way?

Do they imagine you run home at the end of a day of 'playing dressup', to 'relax' yourself?

Is sexual harassment the 'best' outcome you can hope for? After all, at least they're firmly acknowledging you as a woman. :/

I leave you with a few glimpses of reality... the girl on the left, above, is how I like to think I'd dress.