Above: Urgently eager to slip into a pussy licking, tit rubbing, sex toy pumping lesbian session.
Below: From the DDF Pink Pages (click on the individual pics for bigger, sexier, more detailed, high-res versions):

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I enjoy the site. Please keep up the good work.
Sorry if this is inappropriate. Please remove my post if this is bad ettiquette, but I was wondering, have PP or any of the readers here actually sucked cock?
My GF has become obsessed with this idea for me. It's a constant topic and is getting out of hand. A couple days ago she actually told our young waiter, "oh you're hot. I'd love to watch my boyfriend suck you off."
He glanced at me, looked back to her and replied, "I'm not gay."
She sort of excitedly bounced in her chair. "He is." She looked straight in my eyes. "He talks about it all the time!"
I just sat there red-faced without the courage to walk out. A couple of women nearby heard her I'm sure. She and the waiter flirted the rest of the meal. Everytime he'd walk by or leave after waiting on us, she'd comment about his nice butt, how cute he was, imagined how well hung he'd be, etc.
Don't get me wrong. Like Pantyboy, I think hard cock is super sexy. I love porn of women giving oral, and yes, I usually fantasize I'm giving rather than receiving. There's just one problem. Those dicks come attached to guys, and I've never been attracted to one in pics or in person. Yes, I can recognize a handsome guy, but I've never wanted to be with one. I can't imagine enjoying it.
Now if my GF wants to strap one on, THAT I'd like to try. I've thought about using this situtation to experince that; tell her she's got to get me prepared, but no matter what I think it's a given, I'm going to have a dick in my mouth or be looking for a new GF soon. . . .
Any thoughts, advice or suggestions?
Terrififc work!
Thanks for the encouragement JC, but I don't think so. PP is right. The dream is to be one of THEM! A superhot lady, naturally wanting and getting lots of cock and pussy to lick, suck and fuck.
What a great collection of shots. (Except for pics 4 and 5. What loser would insult those ladies by presenting them a limp dick?) Have you tried choosing who you want to be? It's easy--ALL OF THEM!
Thanks again.
It is not about being gay. A woman that loves cock is definitely heterosexual. To quote David Bowiew "Do you like girls or boys. It's confusing these days."
Great blog by the way. I have put up a link to it.
Rebecca Molay
Rebecca's World
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