I've been in burnout mode like the rest of you lately. I've been so burned out, in fact, that I haven't even bother to post about how burned out I am. I think what did it is that I started playing over at the D+X Institute. It's a lot of fun, but I didn't realize how much energy it would take. I need to email them and apologize for disappearing also.
I have a great half-finished picture story in the works that was so long I decided to divide it into three parts. Perhaps the ambitiousness of my projects burned me out as well. I hope you all eventually get to see it. It's a fantasy about naughty crossdressing adventures in public on a warm spring day.
Another reason I've studiously avoided this blog recently is because I'm going to be freezing my sperm in preparation for going back on female hormones. In order to do this, you have to abstain from ejaculation for a little while. Now, being sexually frustrated for some reason sends me deep into femme mode. The longer since I've had an orgasm, the stronger the urge to be a girly girl. When the time comes, I plan to go in to the sperm bank dressed to the nines - skirt or dress, strappy sandals, nail polish, makeup, purse, fake tits, the works. Can't wait to find out the reaction I get to that. Then they'll put me in a little room to jack off into a cup. I'm sure it won't take long. Hopefully, the crossdressing will maximize the amount of cum I ejaculate, leading to better results. I might even bring an aneros, too, for some added anal & prostate stimulation. Can't wait!
Once I restart the hormones, you might see a change in this blog. It will be interesting to see how or if the content changes. I'd love to hear your speculation about what I'll be blogging about once I have the essence of female existence coursing through my brain.
I might even lose interest in this blog altogether. To be honest, it might be a relief to get the masturbation monkey off my back - even though it feels great, I do waste a LOT of my time obsessively jerking my cock.